Common Emotions that Divorcing Spouses Experience

Divorce and child custodyDivorce is rarely an easy event, and is an experience that most never believe will happen in their relationship. Experts have compared the process of splitting with a spouse as tantamount to the grief process that many experience after losing a loved one. The loss of this significant relationship can bring on a host of emotions, and knowing what to expect can make them easier to deal with.


Most people expect to feel a certain degree of sadness when their marriage ends. There is a loss of the hope for the future of the relationship, the grief over losing a companion and sadness about the future. This is a normal emotion. If, however, you find your sadness does not go away and starts to affect other areas of your life, it is likely that you are experiencing depression. Seeking professional help may be necessary to recover from divorce grief.


One of the least commonly expected emotions is anger. If the relationship ended due to infidelity, there may be feelings of anger at your partner’s betrayal. This anger can be amplified if the former spouse has moved on to a new partner or is using the court system to get back at you. While it is normal to feel anger during a divorce, it is important to keep this anger in check so that you can move on quickly.


Many people feel relief after their marriage has ended. If the marriage was abusive, this relief is to be expected. Others feel optimism about the world of possibilities ahead of them without their spouse holding them back. Others are relieved that they no longer have to pretend to be happy for the benefit of friends and family.

There are many emotions associated with divorce, from anger to relief. Find the right resources to deal with your divorce emotions and move on.

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