The Key to Parenting After Divorce

Parenting After DivorceDivorce can be hard on separating couples, but it can be absolute devastation for the children involved. Parenting after divorce is one of the hardest parts of separating from your spouse, but it is possible. By remaining flexible and cooperative, you can give your child the best life possible.

It’s Not About You

You may hard feelings toward the other parent. They may be the worst spouse on the planet and an even worse human being. For now, however, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that your children love both of their parents and they desperately need you two to work together. If you have feelings of anger toward the other parent, channel them into other areas so that you can do what is best for your children.

Be Flexible

There is no way to predict every eventuality in the life of a child. Even though there may be a parenting time order in place, you must be flexible and able to work with the other parent in case of scheduling changes. Flexibility will not only make things easier on you as parents, but on the child as well. Remember that children’s needs change as they get older, and you must be willing to adapt to meet these needs.

Be Clear and Firm

If you are parenting with a former spouse that is vindictive or spiteful, it is imperative that you are clear on your expectations and that you remain firm to your convictions. Being firm yet flexible requires a delicate balancing act that is essential for co-parenting.

Coach a Winning Team

Parenting is a team sport. It is essential that everyone on the team—parents, grandparents, extended family and friends—work together so that the children can win.

Parenting after divorce can be hard. Make it easier by putting the children first.

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